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(mgp-users 00160) Re: 1.05a

On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 01:48:11PM +0900, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
> The name of your window manger, the page number you found failure 
> and the error messages will be helpful for me. 

My WM is fvwm version 2.0.46, on Solaris 2.6.
To reproduce the bug:
./mgp sample/sample.mgp
13g           # go to page of xeyes
space         # go to page of xclock
backspace     # go back to xeyes, it still works
space         # -> CRASH

The error message is:
sample/sample.mgp:176: cant read filter output

Now with sample-fr.mgp:
./mgp sample/sample-fr.mgp
13g           # go to xeyes
backspace     # go previous page
space         # go a second time to xeyes, it still works
backspace     # go previous page
space         # go a third time to xeyes, it fails (no xeyes is running)

In this case there's no error message.

Running with "-o" gives the same problems.
