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(mgp-users 00135) Re: Fonts pb with mgp2ps

Thanks for the help,

I think I will go for now with modifying the font name mapping
in print.c
I'm in a hurry. I've to finish a Linux course for Monday, that
I'm writing with MGP and I hope to use mgp2ps (with the fix by
Fabien Coelho for the sizes) to produce paper results.

This course is in french and I still can't get the accented chars
displayed in my ps files using gv.
they appear on screen when using MGP.

I havn't seen any option in ghostscript (neither in the ps source
file) concerning charset or charmap.
I know I should get deeper in ghostscript, but I've no time for
the moment.

So If I could get some advice to get the accented chars displayed
with gv, it would be great.

Pierre Baudracco - pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr
ALIACOM - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr