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(mgp-users 00065) remarks against 1.04a


I've discovered Magic Point recently, and I like it a lot :-)
Thanks for this tool.

Since it's still alpha code, here are my bug reports:

- "%left, lcutin" produces a nice "division by zero" in draw.c:cutin()
  same thing with "%right, rcutin".  A warning message would be nicer.
- hypenation of 8bits (isolatin for me) words is not handled correctly:
  a word can be cut before a non-ascii character inside a word.
- the output of mgp2ps with non-ascii letters is bad (I don't know if it's a
  bug in mgp2ps or elsewhere).

Maybe having a "builtin-filter" for TeX would be nice, something like:

%filter "mgtex_filter"
My \TeX formula~: $\forall magic \in point$

Here is "mgtex_filter":



echo '\\nopagenumbers' > $tmp.tex
cat >> $tmp.tex
echo '\\end' >> $tmp.tex
tex $tmp.tex > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
dvips -q -E $tmp.dvi -o $tmp.eps
echo "%image \"$tmp.eps\" 250x200"
\rm $tmp.tex $tmp.log $tmp.dvi
