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(mgp-users 00057) report

ok, i had my first big-time presentation with mgp today.

it went well. i really love it.

i have a few more comments.

one thing is that the screen saver should be temporarily
disabled during the presentation. in my case it came up
(i use xscreensaver), and i had to quit nd restart the
presentation. since i had the -t option, that is not too nice.
apparently, the mouse movement or keys would not affect the screen
saver (they were grabbed by mgp already perhaps?).

the other thing is that since the slides are not numbered,
it is hard to go back to the original slide before i quit
(specially if the presentation is long).

i tried the guide, but i seem to have problems, one is that
the background was white, so it is hard to read with the yellow
characters. the other is that i seem to get the page number of the
page i am going to at the precise moment i move from one slide
to the other, and it quicly dissapears. i am not sure it was
meant to be that way.

the mgp2ps -p letter command still puts stuff out of the
printout (so i have to print in "a5" format ...).

i like the html presentation very much!

finally, it seems like mgp actually can resize fonts at
any size (e.g. -g 800x600), but sometimes, i find that for the sizes
given by mgp (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7... i.e. integers), i need something
in between, say 3 and 4 --- bt 3.5 does not work. is there any way to
specify sizes other than integers? like 3pt 12pt, 15px (pixel).... etc?



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