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(mgp-users 00044) Re: misc questions & bugs


>        - the
>                %tab 1 size 4, vgap 40, prefix "  ", icon arc "coral" 40
>        should not affect the space between lines that belong to the
>        same bullet ...

	There is no scoping rule in "vgap" setting. "%tab" directive only
	inserts the specified directives (in the above, "size 4 ... ")
	into the line that start with tab.  Therefore, vgap will affect
	everything after the line that start with tab.

>        - how do people print presentations in transparencies
>        in b&w printer? how about in color? what is the best
>        strategy for each type of printer? html and then from there
>        print the screenshots? (i have not experimented printing yet)

	mgp2ps will generate monochrome PostScript file.
	mgp2ps -c should generate color PostScript file, but it is without

>        - is there any way to accelerate the screenshot generation
>        in option -D? i have a fast machine, yet it is quote slow.

	use smaller magicpontwindow (say, -g 400x300) when doing -D.

>        - the -D html generation probably should create directory if
>                it does not exist?

	I did't think so when I implemented -D, but I can change it if
	people likes the feature.

>	- can pgup/pgdown be mapped to back/forwrd respectively,
>	and home/end to 1st/last?

	I believe this is local to your X11 keymap settings (see manpage
	for xmodmap).
