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(mgp-users 00042) misc questions & bugs

hi, i have decided to use mgp for real now. i love it.
here are my notes with comments, questions, bugs, feature
requests and everything else :-)

i would like to start putting out a faq on the web
if there is not one already.

        - the
                %tab 1 size 4, vgap 40, prefix "  ", icon arc "coral" 40

        should not affect the space between lines that belong to the
        same bullet ...

        - bug: my presentation has a non-default first page which has a
        white background. the rest are black. when i press the
        control key for the page listing menu, it comes out white, which
        with the yellow letters, makes it unreadable. but if i start
        in page two, the listing has a black background. when i go back
        to page 1, is background becomes white forever until i quit.

        - how do people print presentations in transparencies
        in b&w printer? how about in color? what is the best
        strategy for each type of printer? html and then from there
        print the screenshots? (i have not experimented printing yet)

        - is there any way to accelerate the screenshot generation
        in option -D? i have a fast machine, yet it is quote slow.

        - the -D html generation probably should create directory if
                it does not exist?

        - there should be a nice way to stop the html generation in
	 the -D option.
        - is there an option to "stretch" the bimage to fit the
        mgp screen/window instead of tiling it?

	- can pgup/pgdown be mapped to back/forwrd respectively,
	and home/end to 1st/last?

thanks in advance,

-- carlos
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