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[mgp-users-jp 00800] Re: mkps6


>>>>> In article <>,
>>>>> 	$BNkLZCRGn(B <tomo@cs.yamanashi.ac.jp> writes:

> $B;d$N=j$G$O!"0J2<$NItJ,$G%(%i!<$,=P$F$7$^$$$^$9!#(B


> glob failed (child exited with status 1) at mkp6 line 14.

perldoc perldiag$B$h$j(B:
 glob failed (%s)
     (W) Something went wrong with the external program(s) used for glob and
     <*.c>.  Usually, this means that you supplied a glob pattern that caused
     the external program to fail and exit with a nonzero status.  If the
     message indicates that the abnormal exit resulted in a coredump, this may
     also mean that your csh (C shell) is broken.  If so, you should change all
     of the csh-related variables in config.sh:  If you have tcsh, make the
     variables refer to it as if it were csh (e.g.  full_csh='/usr/bin/tcsh');
     otherwise, make them all empty (except that d_csh should be 'undef') so
     that Perl will think csh is missing.  In either case, after editing
     config.sh, run ./Configure -S and rebuild Perl.

csh$B$K$h$k(Becho pattern | tr ...$B$,$&$^$/$$$C$F$J$$!#(B



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