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Last update: 2015/12/30 15:06:37 JST

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Filtered by nautilus6

Title Author(s) Date Filename
An operational demonstration of a mobile network with a fairly large number of nodes Keiichi Shima (keiichi@iijlab.net) Yojiro Uo (yuo@iijlab.net) Nobuo Ogashiwa (ogashiwa@inetcore.com) Satoshi Uda (zin@jaist.ac.jp) 2005-12-30 wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-saint2006-ipv6-workshop-00.txt
Operational Experiment of Seamless Handover of a Mobile Router using Multiple Care-of Address Registration Keiichi Shima (keiichi@iijlab.net) Yojiro Uo (yuo@iijlab.net) Nobuo Ogashiwa (ogashiwa@inetcore.com) Satoshi Uda (zin@jaist.ac.jp) 2006-08-23 wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-mcoa-seamless-00.txt
SHISA: The Mobile IPv6/NEMO BS Stack Implementation Current Status Keiichi Shima Koshiro Mitsuya Ryuji Wakikawa Tsuyoshi Momose Keisuke Uehara 2007-03-08 wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-shisa2007-00.txt
SHISA: The Mobility Framework for BSD Operating Systems Keiichi Shima(keiichi@iijlab.net) Ryuji Wakikawa (ryuji@sfc.wide.ad.jp) Koshiro Mitsuya (mitsuya@sfc.wide.ad.jp) Tsuyoshi Momose (momose@az.jp.nec.com) Keisuke Uehara (kei@wide.ad.jp) 2006-08-11 wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-shisa-00.txt
The design and implementation of a dual-stack mobile network using IPv6 only network infrastructure Keiichi Shima (keiichi@iijlab.net) 2005-12-30 wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-wonemo2006-00.txt

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