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[mgp-users 1494] Re: Text Not Showing Up

Keith Bates writes:
- I've been using magicpoint under debian quite successfully for several
- years.
- I recently installed it on a box running Ubuntu 8.04. While backgrounds
- show up as expected, text does not appear at all.
- I installed magicpoint using the official Unbuntu packaged (1.13a), and
- as far as I can tell I have all the dependencies satisfied.

Is the box running in 32 bit or 64 bit mode?

When building for NetBSD/amd64, I noticed a number of problems
building and executing on a 64 bit system.

Eric Schnoebelen		eric@cirr.com		http://www.cirr.com
  You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running
    across fields into your lover's arms can only come later when 
    you're sure they won't laugh if you trip.  -- Jonathan Carroll