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[mgp-users 01377] Re: Bug in magicpoint 1.11a?


On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 06:22:10PM +0900, nishida@csl.sony.co.jp wrote:

>  > By using magicpoint 1.11a with the slide I attach to this mail the
>  > screen goes blank and CPU usage skyrockets.  I'm not sure whether the
>  > bug is in mgp or in some underlying X-related library.
> Please try the following patch. Or, plaese don't use very long words. 

After applying the patch mgp works fine except for the long line
appearing misaligned to the right.

For the moment I guess I'll follow the second option you propose.

Thank you!

Juan M. Bello Rivas                 jmbr at openwall dot net

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