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[mgp-users 01362] Transparency of image background


I have done a lot of presentations with magicpoint over the last few years:


Main feature which keeps me using it is nice rendering of eps graphics, and related ability to inject latex equations etc into the mix.

Up till now I have been using old version 1.07a. I wanted to use %area directive so I just tried to update to 1.11b but I notice two problems:

1) When pgm produced as .gscache from eps render of grayscale image is displayed the background was and still is transparent, and grayscale is translated to current "fore" color. For a ppm produced from eps render of color image in 1.07a the background remains white, but in 1.11b (and 1.09) it is now transparent. There is no translation of the other image colors making some plots look quite ugly - see example below.

I traced this to change in file draw.c function image_setcolor. In 1.07 "case ITRUE" does nothing whereas in 1.09 it does "image->trans = memToVal(image->data, image->pixlen);"

In general I would like to be able to control whether the background of a given image gets made transparent - presumably with a switch on "%newimage" directive.

2) My script to inject latex using filter no longer works with 1.11b. Does 
work with 1.09a though...

I have placed files illustrating the above problems at:


In subdir 1.07a, 1.09a and 1.11b are how it looks with each of those versions respectively.

Thanks for any help,
