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[mgp-users 01332] Re: Images and Text

On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:15:17 +0900 (JST)
nishida@csl.sony.co.jp wrote:

> From: Keith Bates <kbates@pastors.com>
>  > How can I have image and text in the same line? For example, I want
>  > a picture in the top left hand corner of the screen (say 25% x/y)
>  > with text starting at the top, next to the image.
>  > Is this possible?
> I think using %area to split region of your mgp screen would be a
> solution

In the example I sketched in my original message, I presume I would ned
to have three %area lines- one for the picture, one for the text next to
the picture, and one for the text beneath the first two areas- is that
correct? Using just two area statements I get two columns.


> Yoshifumi Nishida
> nishida@csl.sony.co.jp

God bless you,

Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
Narrabri NSW 2390

Phone: 02 67924890
Fax: 02 67925418


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