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[mgp-users 01310] Re: magicpoint, freetype/freetype2

> I've just built magicpoint-1.10anb2 from pkgsrc, and when I run it, I
> get the fillowing errors:
> |/home/kreuter/.mgprc:1: warning: directive "tfdir" not supported in this configuration
> |sample/sample.mgp:15: warning: directive "tfont" not supported in this configuration
> |sample/sample.mgp:15: warning: directive "tmfont" not supported in this configuration
> |sample/sample.mgp:16: warning: directive "tfont" not supported in this configuration
> |sample/sample.mgp:16: warning: directive "tmfont" not supported in this configuration
> |sample/sample.mgp:17: warning: directive "tfont" not supported in this configuration
> |sample/sample.mgp:17: warning: directive "tmfont" not supported in this configuration
> When I see these results, magicpoint doesn't use TrueType fonts as
> directed, but instead all fonts show up as Helvetica-medium-r.
> I'm pretty sure the problem is that magicpoint doesn't use freetype2,
> but instead freetype version 1. Note this portion of configure's output:
> |<snip>
> |checking for memcmp... yes
> |checking if freetype1 is used... yes
> |checking for freetype1 library/header... no - not using freetype
> |checking if Xft2 is used... yes
> |checking for iconv..... checking for iconv_open... no
> |<snip>
> When I uninstall freetype2 and install freetype-lib-1.3.1nb1, and
> recompile an unpatched magicpoint, the resultant binary does not
> report these errors, and does employ fonts as directed. However,
> removing freetype2 pulls Xft2, so the resultant magicpoint doen't have
> nicely anti-aliased fonts. 
> I don't know whether this message's contents are still relevant, but
> as recently as a couple months before the last magicpoint release,
> magicpoint was not supporting freetype2:
> http://www.mew.org/ml/mgp-users/msg01120.html
> I'm not very familiar with pkgsrc's workings. Can I ask for some help
> to get magicpoint to use freetype1 libraries when they are available?

	when you use magicpoint compiled with Xft2, you do not need the
	following directives:
	rather, you just need "xfont" directive which specifies Xft2 font name,
	such as
		%xfont "Arial:Bold"

	yes, it is not documented well.  i have added some clause into
	README.fonts to improve the situation but it is apparently not enough
	(i was also puzzled by the behavior).  we're open to your suggestions.

	(one problem is that there are way too many combinations in font
	renderer support - maybe we should discard old ones like vflib support
	and concentrate onto Xft2?)
