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[mgp-users 01294] Re: Problem with wrapping text in 1.10a

I can't reproduce the problem. Does anyone have the same problem?
Yoshifumi Nishida

From: Reuben Thomas <rrt@sc3d.org>
Subject: [mgp-users 01291] Problem with wrapping text in 1.10a
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:35:39 +0100 (CET)
Message-ID: <>

 > In the following file, the long line in the only slide is badly wrapped on
 > my 1024x768 display: it needs three lines, and the first line wrap is
 > fine, but the second continues off the screen leaving just the last
 > letter, "y" on the third line. Any ideas why? I'm using mgp 1.10a as
 > supplied with Fedora Core 1. The file worked fine with 1.09a (though I
 > can't easily test that any more as the default font config doesn't work on
 > my system).
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default fonts
 > %%
 > %deffont "standard" xfont "helvetica-medium-r"
 > %deffont "thick" xfont "helvetica-bold-r"
 > %deffont "typewriter" xfont "courier-medium-r"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default settings per each line numbers.
 > %%
 > %default 1 leftfill, size 1, fore "white", back "darkblue", font "standard", hgap 0
 > %default 2 size 7, vgap 10, prefix " ", ccolor "black"
 > %default 3 size 2, bar "white", vgap 200
 > %default 4 size 5, fore "white", vgap 30, prefix " ", font "standard"
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %%
 > %% Default settings that are applied to TAB-indented lines.
 > %%
 > %tab 1 size 5, vgap 40, prefix "  ", icon box "green" 50
 > %tab 2 size 4, vgap 40, prefix "      ", icon arc "yellow" 50
 > %tab 3 size 3, vgap 40, prefix "            ", icon delta3 "white" 40
 > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 > %page
 > Philosophy
 > 	"A thing is finished not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away" - St Exupery