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[mgp-users 01197] Re: How change font substitutions for mgp2ps?

On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 02:12:56AM -0700, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
> You don't need O_BINARY for linux.
>  > I'm tempted to try all possible values for it and see which one
>  > works 8-}, but before I resort to that, can somebody recommend
>  > another version of ttfps?
> How about this patch?
> --
> Yoshifumi Nishida
> nishida@csl.sony.co.jp

Thanks, that patch works fine.  But ghostview isn't accessing any
of the *.pfa (or as a desperate experiment, linked *.pfb) filenames,
which are with the *.ttf fonts in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Windows
(and those fonts DO work for mgp).

Do the *.pfa files need to be stored somewhere else?  The only directores
I have that already contain such fiels do *not* also contain *.ttf files,
which might be significant.

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