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[mgp-users 01132] Re: Best image size/resolution ?

On Wed, 2003-03-26 at 05:15, Marc Baaden wrote:
> Hi,
> another question, concerning frequent use of presentations for
> demonstration on a screen/projector but also for printing hand-
> outs.

Try to keep your bullet point to 6 or so and attempt to keep the content
to 7 -  10 words per line... I know this is a rule of thumb for
presentations in general, but when using a projector, unless you have
control over it you might find one that works at 1024x768 and another
that can only be driven to 800x600. I would using a -g resolution of
800x600 by default. This will force you to keep your content concise or
a worst where content is a little wordly you will create separate
> What is the recommended size/resolution for images used in a
> presentation ?

800x600 as many projectors are finicky and can't be driven by ALL
computers at the higher resolutions. Plus if you want to publish as a
webpage using -D / -E in mgp, the majority of web users seem to have
their screens set to a resolution that would mean a lot of panning from
side to side with higher resolutions....

> Eg if I wanted an image covering the full screen, which resolution/
> pixelsize should I give it for optimal results upon projection AND
> upon printing ?

Decide the resolution for your presentation then size the image to the
exact same size... This should work well for you....

>   Marc Baaden
Sam Williams <samurai@acm.org>