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[mgp-users 01123] Problem with font rendering and Magicpoint on MacOsX/Fink


I have installed Magicpoint ported by Simon Cozens (see eg
http://diveintoosx.org/MagicPoint.html) as well as freetype2.
I have experienced several "issues", the most annoying one is
that there seems to be some problem related to font usage.


When I try to start a presentation, the font is extremely ugly
and I get the following error messages:

/Users/marc/.mgprc:10: warning: directive "tfdir" not supported in this configuration
/Users/marc/.mgprc:15: warning: directive "tfont0" not supported in this configuration

corresponding to the lines
tfdir "/Library/fonts"
tfont0 "/Library/fonts/Arial.ttf"


t.mgp:16: warning: directive "tfont" not supported in this configuration
t.mgp:16: warning: directive "tmfont" not supported in this configuration

from the presentation itself.

Truetype fonts as such, as well as antialiasing, seem to work. I can
for instance start xterm using Arial.

What am I doing wrong or missing ?

NB: I have installed freetype2, but I have also alternatively tested
    freetype2-hinting. Neither of them works. What is the difference ?


Is it possible to get rid of the MacOsX Title/Menu-Bar ?
If not, would it at least be possible to get some user defined
text in there (like the title of each slide, ...) ?

Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions,
  Marc Baaden

 Dr. Marc Baaden  - Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris
 mailto:baaden@smplinux.de      -      http://www.marc-baaden.de
 FAX: +49 697912 39550  -  Tel: +33 15841 5176 ou +33 609 843217