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[mgp-users 01103] Re: Example slides / Magicpoint Ring


On Sat, Dec 14, 2002 at 12:26:11AM +0100, Stephane Lentz wrote:
# Hi, 
# The mailing-list is really still ...
# (BTW how many subscribers to this list ?)
# I'm wondering also if it's not related to Magicpoint
# lack of media exposure.

  Here, I just added minor exposure by pointing to www.mew.org from my
homepage and putting there the .mgp slides from my PhD defence (uses
preprocessed embedded latex).


# Maybe giving more details  on http://www.mew.org/mgp/
# about Magicpoint usage (listing Projects/People using it)
# would help a lot.
# There are some nice looking slides done with Magicpoint that could be 
# listed :
# Name:OpenBSD Project Status
# Author:Todd Miller
# http://www.openbsd.org/slides/bsdcon_2002/
# Lang:EN
# Name:MPEG,MPEG-2 and MPEG-4
# Author: Samuel Hocevar
# http://sam.zoy.org/doc/mpeg/20020214/
# Lang:EN
# Name:The Insecurity of 802.11
# Author: Ian Goldberg 
# http://www.cypherpunks.ca/bh2001/
# Lang:EN
# Name:GnomeMeeting
# Author:Damien Sandras
# http://www.gnomemeeting.org/talks/Linux-Expo-2002/
# Lang:FR
# Name:Olaf M.Kolkman
# Author:DNSSEC Tutorial
# http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/np/DISI/Course/mgp-html/
# Lang:EN
# Name:Detecting Steganographic Content On The Internet
# Author:Niels Provos
# http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/papers/detecting/
# Lang:EN
# Name:The Mono Project
# Author:Miguel de Icaza
# http://www.go-mono.com/Presentations/O-Reilly/
# Lang:EN
# I guess that there many other nice slides Examples
# that could be added to this list.
# I've also noticed that the "The MagicPoint Book (in indonesian)"
# link  - http://pandu.dhs.org/Buku-Online/ - is not reachable.
# Anybody else noticed it ?
# Regards, 
# SL/
# PS : other different topic. Is some major Magicpoint version planned ?
# Any rewrite (using some modern toolkit such as QT or GTK or TK)
# considered ? Some Flash Magicpoint (.mgp) Player would be nice
# too but It seems that Ming is not powerfull/stable enough to develop 
# such a tool. So sad.
# -- 
# ---
# Stephane Lentz / Alcanet International - Internet Services

Etienne Grossmann ------ http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt/~etienne