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[mgp-users 01100] Re: %pause'ing inside a line?

On 22 Nov 2002, Urs Thuermann wrote:

> Hans Fangohr <H.FANGOHR@soton.ac.uk> writes:
> > Try
> >
> > %image "foo.jpg"
> > %pause
> > %cont,image "bar.jpg"
> This has the same effect as
>    %image "foo.jpg", pause, image "bar.jpg"
> i.e. the pause is *before* the image "foo.jpg" appears.

Try this:

%newimage "foo.jpg"

%newimage "foo.jpg"
%cont,newimage "bar.jpg"

This should work.

If you require space between the images, then just add some spaces
like this:

%newimage "foo.jpg"

%newimage "foo.jpg"

%cont,newimage "bar.jpg"

(Spaces between %cont and %cont in the apparently empty line).

Good luck,
