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[mgp-users 01005] center and xsystem bug


I fixed the bug regarding the position of the %xsystem "window".
A patch is attached. Maybe this is of interest for someone.


Dipl.-Phys. Felix Woelk
Multimedia Information Processing
email: woelk@mip.informatik.uni-kiel.de
phone: +49 (0)431 880-4448, fax: +49 (0)431 880-4054

Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3
D-24098 Kiel, Germany
Common subdirectories: magicpoint-1.09a/contrib and magicpoint-1.09a.new/contrib
diff -Nau magicpoint-1.09a/draw.c magicpoint-1.09a.new/draw.c
--- magicpoint-1.09a/draw.c	Mon Sep 17 16:48:29 2001
+++ magicpoint-1.09a.new/draw.c	Tue Jul  2 17:49:37 2002
@@ -3426,8 +3426,8 @@
 	XGetGeometry(display, window_id, &dumwin, 
 		&xloc, &yloc, &xsiz, &ysiz, &dumint, &dumint);
 	state->linewidth = xsiz;
-	xloc = set_position(state) + state->xoff 
-		+ state->tabxprefix ? state->tabxprefix : state->xprefix;
+	xloc = set_position(state) + state->xoff;
+	xloc += (state->tabxprefix != 0) ? (state->tabxprefix) : (state->xprefix);
 	yloc = state->ypos + state->yoff;
 	XMoveWindow(display, window_id, xloc, yloc);
 	state->ypos += ysiz;
Common subdirectories: magicpoint-1.09a/image and magicpoint-1.09a.new/image
Common subdirectories: magicpoint-1.09a/missing and magicpoint-1.09a.new/missing
Common subdirectories: magicpoint-1.09a/sample and magicpoint-1.09a.new/sample