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[mgp-users 00932] Re: Problems embedding apps in presentations

Actually, the hostname should be in front of the colon, if you're using TCP/IP; otherwise, it should be blank or "unix" to specify Unix domain sockets. I think the other poster actually meant to suggest ":0.0" instead of "0:0", but display zero is the normal X server started by gdm/kdm in runlevel 5.

Here are two other things to try:

(1) Use the "-ac" option:

   # xmgp :: start mgp on its own display
   DISPLAY=":1" export DISPLAY
   X -ac $DISPLAY 2>/dev/null &
   sleep 2      # give X a head-start
   mgp $*
   killall X            # terminate X when mgp exits

(2) Use local loopback tcp/ip device:

   # xmgp :: start mgp on its own display
   DISPLAY=":1" export DISPLAY
   X -ac $DISPLAY 2>/dev/null &
   sleep 2      # give X a head-start
   mgp $*
   killall X            # terminate X when mgp exits

Let me know how it goes...

Chris Tyler

On 2002.06.06 15:52 Grunde L|voll wrote:
My distro is RH7.3 width ximian gnome.

If DISPLAY="0:0" conflicts width my primary server would
DISPLAY="1:1" not? or?

Maby I'll try both...


On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Chris Tyler wrote:

> Don't use DISPLAY="0:0" or you'll conflict with your primary X
> Try adding "-ac" to the X command (turns off access control).
> What is your distro?
> --
> Chris Tyler
> On 2002.06.06 10:32 Daniel Schlieper wrote:
> > Try
> >
> >   DISPLAY="0:0" export DISPLAY
> >
> > instead of
> >
> >   DISPLAY=":1" export DISPLAY
> >
> > maybe this helps.
> >
> >
> > Daniel

Grunde L酶voll

 f u cn rd ths u r prbly a gk