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[mgp-users 00836] Re: One Latex Character in a line with normal text - resolved

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 13:59:41 -0500
Clem Pryke <pryke@focus.uchicago.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Please put
> >
> > %valign "center" 
> >   or 
> > %valign "top" 
> >
> > above those lines. 
> I don't find that "center" "top" or "bottom" produces a nice result. Is there 
> a way to get finer control?
Not a solution, but a possible workaround.

It seems that "dvips -E" creates an EPS bounding box that is far too large.
Unfortunately it is not possible to make it smaller with "ps2epsi" because
the PS output of dvips is somewhat buggy (maybe not DSC comliant?).

Thus there are two possible improvements:
 a) manually correct the bounding box value that dvips generates
 b) use eqn2eps for inline formula
    documentation on eqn is available from

Currently I am using solution b) for inline formula, which works fine for symbols
like "not equal" or greek letters.

Christoph Dalitz