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[mgp-users 00812] Script for paginating PS


in order to paginate my mgp-presentation printouts I have written
a small script "pspage" for paginating arbitrary PS-files.

Sample usage for 4-up printing with page numbers on every slide
and a footer line "Presentation 01.01.2002":

mgp2ps -e latin1 bla.mgp |\
	pspage -l -font Times-Roman:24 |\
	psnup -l -c -4 -b0.7cm -m1.2cm |\
	pspage -l -font Times-Italic:10 -rtext "Presentation 01.01.2002" \
	> bla.ps

In case anyone is interested: it is freely available from

Christoph Dalitz

There is a problem in the PS-output of mgp2ps 1.09a which messes up some
PS-printeres (eg. HP Laserjet 1200). If you encounter this problem, you
must alter the file "print.c" in the mgp source distribution:
The line 
fprintf(fp, "/calcy {false charpath flattenpath pathbbox setymax pop setymin pop} def\n");
must be replaced with
fprintf(fp, "/calcy {dup ( ) eq\n"
	"  {0 setymax 0 setymin pop}\n"
	"  {false charpath flattenpath pathbbox setymax pop setymin pop}\n"
	"  ifelse\n"
	"} def\n");