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[mgp-users 00793] Re: another bug with magicpoint 1.09a

From: Rob Lake <lake@cs.ualberta.ca>
Subject: [mgp-users 00791] another bug with magicpoint 1.09a
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 10:28:25 -0700
Message-ID: <>

lake> Appending a "%cont" after the last line of a page causes all text appearing
lake> after the line break for the last line to disappear (assuming either the line
lake> is long enough or a point size large enough for the display).  Here is an
lake> example:

Hi, I think the following patch will solve your problem.

Yoshifumi Nishida

*** parse.c.orig	Fri Feb  1 14:51:44 2002
--- parse.c	Fri Feb  1 14:51:14 2002
*** 1153,1158 ****
--- 1153,1165 ----
+ 		if (contseen){
+ 			/* we have extra cont in the last line */
+ 			for (cp2 = page_control[page][line-1];
+ 				cp2->ct_next; cp2 = cp2->ct_next); 
+ 			cp = ctlalloc1(CTL_LINEEND);
+ 			if (cp) ctlinsert(&(cp2->ct_next),  cp);
+ 		}