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[mgp-users 00770] mgp2ps issues (1.09a)

I am trying to prepare a presentation that I need to submit as PDF
for use in printed material.  However, mgp2ps doesn't seem to behave
well enough.  The particular problems I've noticed are --

1. Any '-' characters are getting lost.  Not sure if this is a problem
with mgp2ps or the fonts or whatever else.

2. Tabs are treated as spaces.  (Of course I am only referring to tabs
used in the middle of a line, not as the first character.)  They do
work with magicpoint itself.

A related question is -- how to best embed small pieces of C source code
(with indentation and comments at a particular column) into a magicpoint
presentation?  I wouldn't want to resort to using eps for just that.

3. Font size specifications inside %area don't seem to work with
mgp2ps (I am getting tiny letters no matter what I specify).  They
do work when the same presentation is displayed with magicpoint
itself, although I had to scale the values (I use size 20 in a 40x20%
area to get things to look the same they did with size 5 and no area
