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[mgp-users 00734] configure.in in MagicPoint 1.09a


since I was unable to figure the mail addresses of the program's
author out, I direct my comment to this mailing list instead; pardon
me, if feedback concerning the source code is inappropriate here.

I just wanted to point out that MagicPoint's configure script searches
for libttf.a and the related headers in all possible locations except
for /usr/X11R6/(include,lib) -- and that's where these things lie when
you're using XFree86 4.x. In fact, I think it would be best if the
script didn't try to locate the files itself at all and rather used
the AC_CHECK_LIB macro of autoconf. Then you'd find the libraries
everywhere and not only on locations you anticipated. In any case
should the autoconf script allow the user to specify the paths on the
command line, overriding the defaults.

Anyway, thanks a lot for providing this extremely useful tool, I like
it very much!
