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[mgp-users 00725] Solaris, subscripts

Hi MGP folks:

I have two questions:

(1) Is there an easy way to do subscripts in ordinary text? I just need it 
so that lines like 
    Molecules include H2O, O3 and H2SO4

look prettier. I know that one can use various magic tricks to insert 
LaTeX equations into mgp, but that isn't really what I want here as it
seems an over-kill solution and you can't put the resulting equation in
the middle of a regular mgp line.

(2) Is it possible to build mgp (1.08a) on Sparc/Solaris boxes? I have
tried and got an error like this:

cc -c -O -Xc -xF -xcg92    -I/usr/openwin/include  -Dsun -Dsparc -DSVR4
-DMGPLIBDIR=\"/usr/openwin/lib/X11/mgp\" -DUUDECODE=\"/bin/uudecode\"
-DGUNZIP=\"/usr/local/GNU/bin/gunzip\" mgp.c
"mgp.c", line 119: undefined symbol: sigset_t
"mgp.c", line 119: syntax error before or at: mask
"mgp.c", line 129: undefined symbol: mask
"mgp.c", line 171: undefined symbol: sigset_t
"mgp.c", line 171: syntax error before or at: mask
"mgp.c", line 184: undefined symbol: mask
"mgp.c", line 1131: cannot recover from previous errors

Sun's standard header files seem to contain definitions for sigset_t so I
imagine that one of those -Dfoobar options has got set wrong. 

I have STFW and had a look at the archive of this list at 
http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/person/nishida/magicpoint.html, but I can't find
any pertinent Solaris-related instructions. I have also downloaded the
current developer snapshot and the same thing happens with it.

Any ideas much appreciated!


Dr. Hugh C. Pumphrey             | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
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The University of Edinburgh      | Email hcp@met.ed.ac.uk
EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ, Scotland      | URL: http://www.met.ed.ac.uk/~hcp