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[mgp-users 00698] mgp2ps problem


I have a mgp presentation optimize for an LCD screen with 1024x768
resolution a I am trying to print (as a kind of "plan B" option) it
using mgp2ps.

The problem is:

It drawn a a4 frame (nice) but the contents of most of slides does not
fit inside that frame (not nice).

Solutions: How?

to suppress the frame, I then use a program to resize the printing
area. How? It is possible?

to make the text fit inside the frame. How? It is possible?

Thank you.

    At\'e breve

Pedro Quaresma
Departamento de Matem\'atica
Faculdade de Ci\^encias e Tecnologia
Universidade de Coimbra
e-mail: pedro@mat.uc.pt
url: http://www.mat.uc.pt/~pedro/
phone: 351+ 239 791 181