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(mgp-users 00549) XML & Magicpoint


There has been some interesting posts about adding XML configuration 
files support to Magicpoint.
I have found out recently various projects similar to Magicpoint 
that are already using XML for slides : 

* dbfpoint :
- developped for Linux (Frame Buffer + glib and gtk required)
- site : http://www.directfb.org/dfbpoint.xml 

* Ultrapoint : 
- requires VFlib, GGI, libxml, libunicode, Glib (+ optionnaly
- site : http://ultrapoint.sourceforge.net/

* BigShow : 
- developped in Objective-C for MacOS X 
- announce :
- site : http://www.bignerdranch.com/who.html

I mention these projects because there may be interesting ideas used by
these people and also because it may be interesting to try to look at the tags

It would be great to standardize the XML configuration format for all projects 
(a standard DTD would be great !!!!) but I don't think it will be possible.


PS : what about a "magicpoint clone" written in Java (Java 2)? 
It would be a solution to do presentations on Win*,Linux, MacOS, ... 
This is just some idea that crossed my mind and I would be quite happy
to know your opinion ? 

Stephane Lentz - Internet Services / Alcanet - Stephane.Lentz@alcatel.fr