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(mgp-users 00499) Re: massive changes....

Thats really great to see news.  I will check it out and try to use 
it in out project.

However, (and this is before I go a actually look at this XSL thing)
why not just have mgp use XML natively and save the translation AND 
the entire custom parser inside of mgp?

It's a big step I know...


On Thu, Mar 08, 2001 at 12:18:02PM +0900, Yoshifumi Nishida wrote:
> Hi,
> From: Sam Clegg <samc@superduper.net>
> Subject: (mgp-users 00497) massive changes....
> Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 11:17:22 +0900
> Message-ID: <>
> samc> Has anyone thought of writing an XML version of the mgp parser?
> The sdoc2mgp.xsl can convert XML into mgp syntax.
> You can get this tool from
> 	http://xml.da-cha.org/sdoc2mgp-0.3.tar.gz
> and you can get some information about this tool from
> 	http://xml.da-cha.org/
> though this web page seems to have only japanese version.
> samc> The file format currently used is archaic and obscure.
> Hmm.. I completely agree with you.. 
> --
> Yoshifumi Nishida <nishida@csl.sony.co.jp>
> Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.

sam clegg
email: samc@superduper.net
www  : http://www.superduper.net
pgp key : http://www.superduper.net/~samc/key.gpg