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(mgp-users 00413) Re: [Fwd: Compiling MagicPoint [Newbie Question]]

>>>>> "David" == David Bauer <bauer@genprofile.com> writes:

    >> Urban Anjar wrote:
    >> ./image/libmgpimage.a(png.o): In function `pngLoad':
    >> png.o(.text+0x1aa): undefined reference to `png_set_palette_to_rgb' 
    >> png.o(.text+0x1cc): undefined reference to `png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8'
    >> png.o(.text+0x204):undefined reference to `png_set_tRNS_to_alpha' 
    >> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
    >> make: *** [mgp] Error 1
    >> -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -lm -L/usr/lib -lpng -lXext -lX11
    David>                                           ^problem Either
    David> your libpng is not in /usr/lib (maybe /usr/local/lib ?) or
    David> it is missing at all.

No. If libpng was missing or in the wrong place, there would be a
whole bunch of linker errors. The problem is that the three functions
above are missing from the libpng that's on Urban Anjar's system. He
or she should get an up to date copy of this library that contains
these functions.