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(mgp-users 00340) Re: Compilation problem on DEC alpha

	i hate from filter...


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To: Ivan Laurette <Ivan.Laurette@unice.fr>
cc: mgp-users@mew.org
In-reply-to: Ivan.Laurette's message of Fri, 30 Jun 2000 00:48:44 JST.
X-Template-Reply-To: itojun@itojun.org
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Subject: Re: (mgp-users 00339) Re: Compilation problem on DEC alpha 
From: Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <itojun@iijlab.net>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 00:48:30 +0900
Message-ID: <1245.962293710@localhost>
Sender: itojun@localhost

>>> I have some problems compiling MagicPoint on a DEC alpha
>>> (OSF1 V4.0 878 alpha). Here is the beginning of the errors I
>>> get:
>>  it looks that your compiler does not support "inline".
>> remove the word "inline" from scanner.l (two locations).
>> we'll try to make this portability issue better.
>Now, I have the following errors:

	hmm, could you try using bison/flex (GNU variant of yacc/lex)?


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