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(mgp-users 00328) Re: help with xanim, or mpeg_play


here an example, how we do include movies with xanim:


%image "slide.gif"

%system "xanim -Zr  cube_350.avi -geometry +130+380"
%system "xanim -Zr  p111_240.avi -geometry +190+580"

%pcache 1 1 0 0


If you dont want to see the border of the xanim window, you can configure this in the KDE control-center, Windows,  advanced, Filters: have no decoration
and add there xanim.

Cheers, Nikolas

helio takai wrote:

I have mgp working fine now.
However how can I embed xanim or mpeg_play? I tried to replace
xclock in sample.mgp but I am not able to display anything.
Your help greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Helio

% Helio Takai                                         Phone:(516)344-2812
% Physics Department, Building 510 A                    Fax:(516)344-5568
% Brookhaven National Laboratory          http://www.phy.bnl.gov/~takai/
% Upton, NY 11973-5000                takai@sun2.bnl.gov or takai@bnl.gov

  Dipl.-Ing. Nikolas Apel
  Institut fuer Mechanik (Bauwesen)
  Lehrstuhl I
  Pfaffenwaldring 7
  70550 Stuttgart

  Tel.: 0711 / 685-6326
  Fax.: 0711 / 685-6347