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(mgp-users 00305) Re: Accents and exponents


for me it works with german special characters like
ö ä ü
without any problems.
Thinks like á é are also possible.
Depending on your system if you use vi as
editor it may display in the editor a bit strange
something like:
\xf6 \xe4 \xfc \xe1 \xe9
but mgp renders them correctly.

When using mgp2ps you must specify the encoding via -e command
line paramter (have a look at the README.languages).

If you have still problems, just send me your example directly.


Helene BOLVIN wrote:
> Hallo everybody,
> Is it possible to write accents, and other special characters with
> Magicpoint,
> without using Latex?
> And it is possible to write something in exponent or in indice?
> Thank you!

Dr. David Bauer
GenProfile AG, Max-Delbrueck-Center, Erwin-Negelein-Haus 
Robert-Roessle-Str. 10, D-13125 Berlin, Germany
bauer@genprofile.com, Tel:49-30-94892165, FAX:49-30-94892151