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(mgp-users 00297) Re: Changing text colour or style within a line?

I found the results of "cont" are not always as one would expect.
What I tried to do was to get a logo in the first line at the
right end. If the second line is a bar then with the second line
is drawn much higher and mixed with the first line.
I'm still trying to find out whats wrong in my case.


Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino wrote:
> >> do you have examples installed to your system?
> >Yes.
> >> if there is, sample.mgp page 7 has the exact example.
> >Not really.  This sample has the words one colour per line.  Each word
> >is on a line by itself.  I wish to change colour *within* one single
> >line of text.
>         On my host, If you run "mgp sample.mgp" and see page 7, the text
>         will be shown on a single line, because of "cont" directive.
> itojun

Dr. David Bauer
GenProfile AG, Max-Delbrueck-Center, Erwin-Negelein-Haus 
Robert-Roessle-Str. 10, D-13125 Berlin, Germany
bauer@genprofile.com, Tel:49-30-94892165, FAX:49-30-94892151