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(mgp-users 00245) MGP features I'd like

Three features I'd like to see in MagicPoint, based on my experience
actually using it at a conference last week:

1. Many projectors cut off some part of the picture. It would be nice to
be able to specify a percentage of each edge upon which text and
graphics are not displayed. (It would be nice if it still displayed the
background image, however, for a consistent look.) A variable frame
would help, especially with odd projectors (and there are a lot of odd

2. It would be nice to define "Chapters" in a presentation, groups of
related slides such that it would be possible to skip to the beginning
of the next chapter (or back to the last one, perhaps). This way, if it
turns out that you covered a subject in too much depth, you can go on to
the next subject without problems and without lots of extra clicks.
Skipping through half a dozen slides is kinda unprofessional. ;-)

3. If we're not going to have text automagically resizable to fit on a
given resolution, it would be nice to have a --check option which could
specify resolution and output format, and inform the user of any
overflows. This would save much time in preparing presentations.

The first of these is critical, IMHO, given the spotty projectors I've
run across. The second of these would help people (me, at least) give
professional looking presentations when we miscalculate times. The third
is a sort of blue-sky feature, eminently useful but probably quite
difficult to implement.

I'm not a programmer, but I'm happy to help in any way I can.

Jon Lasser
Fear leads to anger.            Jon Lasser   http://www.tux.org/~lasser/
Anger leads to hate.                 Work:  jon@umbc.edu    410-455-3708
Hate leads to suffering.             Home:  jon@lasser.org  410-383-7962
Suffering leads to book deals. -- Yoda, I think

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