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(mgp-users 00225) Re: MGP plans

> What can we expect that MagicPoint will be after say 3 months from now,
> have you made any ideas about what will be the next things to add or 
> extend ??
I don't know if this is possible in 3 months, but there's a feature I'd
like very much to see in MagicPoint (I know I'm not the only one):

The ability to have several possible paths in a presentation and be able
to chose between them in real-time. Weird ? Not that much. Imagine you
have a presentation on a new technology you've developped that's divided
in several "chapters". If your audience is of the managers' type you want
to use the detailed version of the chapters that cover needs and uses of
the technology, while if you have a technical audience you'll want to
focus on implementation issues. 

Now This would mean having almost 2 or more presentations for each
chapter, and choosing between them would make us getting out of mgp and
back with another presentation. Chosing this without creating a break on
the presentation would allow to speed up a chapter where people are
starting to go to sleep or speed up a presentation if the time is running

There's other feature I'd like is if it could be added to mgp a mode in
which you can edit the file in a wysiwyg way... The idea would be to be
able to correct an error in a slide in real-time.

I think this two can keep you busy for some time :).

	Keep up the great work,

						João Miguel Neves