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(mgp-users 00203) Problems with magicpoint-1.06a

I'm trying magicpoint version 1.06a and I have several problems.

mgp2ps does not seem to handle correctly the fonts. I use %tfont to
define several .ttf fonts and when I view the result (with gv), some
fonts are not set properly. BTW, mgp displays them correctly on the

mgp can't create the HTML presentation because xwintoppm fails with
"unsupported screen depth; bailing out". What does this mean?

I tried to include a background definition just after a page with
	%include "bacground1.mgp"
and this fails with
	undefined directive 32 at page 2 line 0:
	        0x82372f8:  include "bacground1.mgp"

Thanks in advance for any help you could give...
Lionel Cons        http://home.cern.ch/~cons
CERN               http://www.cern.ch
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