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(mgp-users 00198) Re: printable copies of slides

Alan Robertson wrote:
> >         how about mgp2ps?  if you need multiple pages on single paper
> >         use pstops with it.
> It doesn't show the whole slide.  The bottom is almost always cropped off,
> losing the last line or two of the slide.  Is there a way to get around
> that?

There is a fix for mgp2ps to correct that.
It was for magicpoint 1.04 by FABIEN COHELO.

It's a line to change in print.c
Line 490 on magicpoint 1.04a, line 574 on magicpoint 1.06a
# replace
char_size = window_height * cp->cti_value / 100;
# by
char_size = window_height * (cp->cti_value-1) / 100;

recompile. It works great for me.


ps: I Hope this would be fixed in the official next release

Pierre Baudracco - pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr
ALIACOM - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr