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(mgp-users 00185) Re: xwintoppm problem


> I'm not quite sure what you mean.  I'm running in what looks
> like full color.  Which app will tell me how many bits I'm using?

well, I had the same thing a while ago, been there ;-( 
Accidently, I tried it on a machine where I had it running on an X-server
with 16 bit color (instead of 8 bit like on this very alpha right now).
There it worked like a charm.
64K+ colors instead of 256. At least, that solved the error when I got it


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 |        kris carlier - kris@iguana.be    |
 | Hiroshima 45, Tsjernobyl 86, Windows 95 |
 | Linux, the choice of a GNU gener8ion    |
 | KC62-RIPE          SMS: +32-75-61.43.05 |
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