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(mgp-users 00177) FreeType patent problems?

I just looked at http://www.freetype.org/ .  The home page has a notice,
dated August 4, that says:

> We have recently discovered that Apple owns several patents related
> to TrueType rendering.
> Even though we're unable to tell for now wether FreeType violates
> them, this could mean that the free use of the library could be
> illegal in the US or other countries like Japan, be it in commercial
> or free projects.
> We have sent emails to Apple's legal department, and are still
> waiting for their answer. More information will be posted on this
> page has we receive it.

How well does MagicPoint work without FreeType?  Any tips on what to do
or what to avoid?  BTW, I'm *not* an expert on fonts or font technology.

Jerry Peek, jpeek@jpeek.com, http://www.jpeek.com/~jpeek/