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(mgp-users 00153) Stability with Freetype?

Does anyone else have serious problems with stability of Magicpoint when
linked to Freetype 1.2?  I get heaps of segmentation faults even when reading
the demo files in samples/ .  The problems appear to be with rendering text
when wrapping lines.  If I compile without Freetype, or make the truetype
fonts unavailable, the problem goes away (but then the display looks

I experience the same problem on two Linux machines - one Red Hat 5.2 (glibc,
kernel 2.0.36) and one Slackware (libc5, kernel 2.0.35).  Both are using gcc I'm using the truetype fonts from my Windows partition. 

Anyone able to guess whether this is a problem with Freetype 1.2, the fonts,
or Magicpoint itself?

Stephen Cornell          cornell@zoo.cam.ac.uk         Tel/fax +44-1223-336644
University of Cambridge, Zoology Department, Downing Street, CAMBRIDGE CB2 3EJ