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(mgp-users 00127) Re: embarassingly slow tfont handling...

> On a PPro200, a 6-line paragraph on 640x480 might take some
> 2-3 seconds to render.  What is worse, rendering time becomes
> worse and worse as time goes by, e.g. you switch back and forth
> on the same pages and it takes longer and longer.

I cannot reproduce the problem (takes longer and longer) on current snap,
though it is slow.

Could you please show the sample document and environment (snap date,
depth of screen)?

My environment:
	FreeBSD 2.2.8-RELEASE
	800x600 16bit TrueColor (XAccel, NeoMagic)
test document:
	sample/v6.mgp with insert one line just after %include.
	%default 1 bgrad 0 0 128 90 1 "black" "red" "black" "red" "black" "red" "black"
