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(mgp-users 00080) mpg2ps and page size

[ this is no complaint, but more or less a list of things that puzzle me ]
While mgp -D displays good results, mgp2ps has some problems especially:
- the last line(s) of a page won't fit on paper
  I did look into this a bit. When you change
        case CTL_VGAP:
            vert_gap = cp->cti_value;
            fprintf(fp, "/vertgap %d def\n", cp->cti_value);  
           fprintf(fp, "/vertgap %d def\n", cp->cti_valuei/2);
in print.c, the result of text only is much better.

- pictures (included gif ) are a little larger than the original
  I also have the impression that under pictures an extra empty
  line is inserted that is not in on screen/in the gif
- images that are displayed horiontally
  (e.g.   %center, image "foo1.ps", image "foo2.ps" ) get printed one
  over the other.
- Umlauts in ISO-8859-1 are not translated to their postscript encoding
  (this could (iirc) also be solved by generating a dictionary in the
  preamble of the generated ps file that remaps those characters
  (Umlauts also present a problem when splitting lines on screen, as
  it seems that they are treated as whitespace)
And a little patch to the postscript preamble:
<       fprintf(fp, "%%%%Creator: mgp2ps\n");
>       fprintf(fp, "%%%%Creater: mgp2ps\n");