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(mgp-users 00069) Re: remarks against 1.04a

> >>Maybe having a "builtin-filter" for TeX would be nice, something like:
> >	Does the script works?  I believe recursive filtering is not supported.
> 	I mean, that no directive is accepted from the output of %filter.

an alternative could be the filter produce a ps/gif file and then
import the file itself with the next line.

This reminds me of the following patch to the documentation (or
something equivalent).


diff -ubwP ./USAGE ../USAGE
--- ./USAGE	Sun Sep  6 04:34:43 1998
+++ ../USAGE	Fri Oct 23 22:37:38 1998
@@ -200,10 +200,22 @@
 (1) TeX
 - Obtain .dvi file for the expression with TeX.
-- With dvipr you can obtain .eps file for the dvi.
+e.g. the following code would do:
+- With dvips you can obtain .eps file for the dvi.
+e.g. latex foo.tex ; dvips -f -E foo.dvi > foo.eps
 - Include .eps file into your presentation as follows:
-	%image "foo.eps"
+	%image "foo.eps" 0 width height
 (2) eqn/troff
 - Obtain .ps file for the expression with eqn/troff.