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(mgp-users 00063) Re: comment handling in mgp ?


In message <>,
    Luigi Rizzo <luigi@labinfo.iet.unipi.it> wrote:
> i use to start mgp files with the following line
>     #!/usr/local/bin/mgp -O -g 640x480 ...
> and so on. Now, when trying an unusually long list of parameters, i
> get an error message. Further investigation seems to suggest that a
> comment line cannot be longer than 64 character or you get an error.
> However i cannot find the place where input comments are
> parsed/removed. Any hints ?

I think it was /usr/src/sys/kern/imgact_shell.c that produced an error
you got, though I don't know which error message you encountered. ;-)

NAGAO Tadaaki <nagao@iij.ad.jp>