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(mgp-users 00026) Re: A little bit of advice needed...

On 29-Sep-98 Luigi Rizzo wrote:
>>      If you can transmit keyboard command (say, space for next page)
>>      to a file descriptor, it should be quite easy.
>>      Add some code into draw_one() to check additional file descriptor.
> ok i am looking at this. Doing it with Xt or other high level libs
> would be trivial, but you are using low level calls and I am not sure
> how to do it... it seems that the only way is to replace XNextEvent
> with a small procedure that does a select on my fd's +
> ConnectionNumber(display)... any other better method ?

I submitted patches for MGP 1.03a to Itojun a while back for automatic advance
of pages on a timed basis.  This required consolidating the advance-screen code,
replacing XNextEvent with code to check both the keyboard and a timer signal. 
AFAIK, the patches were not incorporated into 1.04a  (Mew.org is too busy right
now to check).  They might be helpful to you.  Let me know if you'd like to see

-- Walter