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[mgp-users-jp 01236] Check this!


My name is Fredrick Onlgada. I am now focusing in one online opportunity. I have 
tried several of these online opportunities full of hype promising us thousands 
of dollars every month. I would get all excited and run to my family and friends 
another " Great Money Maker ".

It is a sad fact that many people who are in need of additional income, are being 
victimized by these fly by night scam artists. Every time I tried one opportunity 
after the other, I ended up more broke than ever.  Not to mention how embarrassing 
it was.

As a result of trying all these opportunities, I finally found the company which 
is true to their words.  Not full of hype, but consistently send me the monthly 
check. They have given me the best compensation plan with their high % commission. 
 I finally have Something my friends and family are begging ME for rather than 
laughing behind my back.

I joined for free and couldn't believe what I've seen. I had over 500 people 
in my organization in less then 3 weeks. Within a month of joining this free 
thing I wasn't really even serious about, I found myself with over 1500 people 
in my down line. I was able to quit my job and stay home with the
kids.  The rent is paid and so are all my  utilities.

I didn't have to perform some juggling act to maintain some 60 to 40% balance 
in my legs.  It is not a pyramid, so there are no legs.  It is not one of those 
Binary compensation plan failures either.  Everyone earns commissions here. 

They are providing a real service not the one that simply transfers wealth from 
the new signups to the people at the top. When you join, you will have a team 
of up line sponsors who will help you succeed every step of the way. Instead 
of being left alone, you will be guided step by step by real people, not those 

Do not believe in do nothing, no recruiting, and no selling schemes. They are 
scams. You might want to try it to prove my words. Beware of the ones that want 
you to invest $1200.00 before you start.  How long would it take you to break 

Only you can make your own success together with the help of your sponsors. If 
you have 2 to 3 hours a day, you will be able to earn a full income in a few 
months. And there is absolutely no limit as to how much you can earn. It is designed 
to gain momentum after some time. 

But I prefer to avoid such statements as "You will get rich". I read it everywhere 
and will not allow myself to sound like them. I experienced it personally, you 
can be comfortable.

To get your Information send mailto: frexiemail@speed.info.com.ph
and put "Send More Information" In the subject.

I will then send more information you into our program. 

Best regards,
Frederick Onlagada

Removal Instruction:

Send email to frexiemail@netscape.net with the subject "Remove Me" if you wish 
to be remove from my mailing list and no longer receive emails from me.