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[mgp-users-jp 01074] $40 + 10% or Wholesale Online Pharmacy Affiliate Program

Why are so many affiliates switching to us?
Because our affiliates make more money than anyone else's!

Click Here---> http://www.pharmacyexcellence.com/_affiliates.html to see it.

We pay our affiliates more than any other online pharmacy in the world.  As a matter of fact, we pay our regular affiliates the same wholesale commissions that we pay our $60,000 a month affiliates.

Take a look at the best selling product we have:  Phentermine 37.5mg 90 quantity.  Your commission at the lowest retail price goes from $39.90 ($21 and 10% commission) to $77.63!(New Commissions)  That is an increase in your payout of 94.5% over the highest payout in the industry!!!

Visit http://www.pharmacyexcellence.com/_affiliates.html now and see the real numbers our affiliates are doing and how much more money you can make by switching to us too!

Reasons you will love doing business with us:

1.  We pay more than anyone else!
No one comes close to our payout!
Click here to see the New payouts:  http://www.pharmacyexcellence.com/_new-affiliate-payouts.html

We pay this extremely profitable commission on all products!  Some affiliates make over $100,000.00 a month!  Click here: http://www.pharmacyexcellence.com/_affiliates.html to see screenshots of some active affiliate site's stats.

You get paid on every re-order your customer ever makes!  For those of you not in the business, the average sale is between $200-$250 depending on which products your clients are buying the most.  This makes your average payout $60-$65 per order.  Combine that with a closing ratio of sales to visitors of over 10 percent and you have real potential to make serious dollars. (we have affiliates that close 1 sale ($62.50 profit) every 10 clicks on pay per click search engine traffic.)

2. Our sites turn your visitors into money!

Your visitors can obtain prescriptions online and have their drugs shipped overnight to their doorstep!  We sell the most popular prescriptions out there!  Products like Viagra, Phentermine, Ultram and many more.  The manufacturers of these products advertise every day on television on radio.  When people hear about them and go on the Internet to find out more, they find you and purchase online!  We are very lucky to be in a business that is so easy, due in part to the massive marketing campaigns of these large companies.  No one enjoys a face-to-face visit with a physician to explain why they can't maintain an erection.  Our sites allow people to obtain the drugs they need from the privacy of their own home, promptly and securely!

3.  We get you more orders!

Your customers are automatically emailed to go back to your site when it's time to reorder. 
Our shopping cart system allows customers to purchase multiple products at the same time (and they do). 
Because our shipping and customer service is second to none, your customers stay with you and don't need to shop around.  Better service = More re-orders for you! 
We fill more of the orders you generate!  Our order approval rating is over 90%! 
We give you 3 different pricing structures for your customers.  Competitive, low, and extremely low (lowest prices on the net).  Our 3 pricing structures give you the flexibility you need to stomp your competition while making the most money possible for yourself!

4.  We can give you your own website built on our software, that has over 1 million dollars of investment in it, for FREE!  (for the many of you that are doing over 3 orders a day, otherwise your own private labeled site is $199, $25 a month.) 
The website we give you is nothing short of amazing.  It's truly an online marketer's dream.  We designed it to do absolutely everything an online marketer could ever want.  You can change anything you want about your website easily.   You really have to see it to believe it.

5.  We treat you like gold: 

We send your money once every 2 weeks! 
You will always be able to reach someone by phone.  Your business is our business.  We give you the service you deserve. 
When you get a customer, he is yours for life.  That residual money adds up fast due to the heavy re-order nature of the business. 

6.  We give you the technology you need to stomp your competition online! 

Need an amazing looking website of your own to send your visitors to?  No problem! 
Want to turn on 100 sites in a day?  No problem! 
Want to push your own private labeled affiliate program as though you owned the whole company?  No problem! 
Want to outbid everyone on Overture, Findwhat, Kanoodle, and Espotting every 30 seconds?  Want to make sure you never pay a penny more than needed?  No problem! 
Want to see where your orders are really coming from?  Our software will show you exactly to the penny which ads, keywords, and search engines are pulling in orders, and which are not.  
You can also use our advertising tracking to make sure you are making a killing on every one of your marketing ideas!  With the software we give you, you see exactly which links, banners, emails, keywords...are working, and which ones aren't. 
Our technology lets you double down on the winners and cut the losers, ensuring you are making the absolute maximum amount of money possible!  You will see in real-time to the penny exactly what is working and what isn't.  We have the best real-time stats in the world! 

Visit http://www.pharmacyexcellence.com/_affiliates.html