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[mgp-users-jp 01046] Dynamic Internet Applications

Title: The Best 99 Fundraising Case Studies
Hidden Secrets of how nonprofits and charities are using the internet...

Dynamic Internet Applications


Why you Need this Manual

Let's be frank - other NGOs, nonprofits and charities are racing ahead of you with their successful internet applications.

However, now, NGO Resources Worldwide has published the first manual of 137 DYNAMIC INTERNET APPLICATIONS by for NGOs, Nonprofits and Charities. 

This manual and the associated daily updates will keep you abreast of exciting developments in this rapidly expanding arena.

You will see how your peers - both locally and worldwide - are using the internet for

  • Fundraising 
  • Marketing (including direct one-to-one marketing)
  • Communications (both intranets and newsletters)
  • Membership Bonding 
  • Building Communities 
  • Taking management programs online
  • Boosting Resources and 
  • Reducing operational expenses by using ISPs.

There are 137 examples in the Dynamic Internet Applications Manual, plus you will also receive daily updates for the next six months. 

We have been operating since 1989 providing business-to-business support to NGOs, nonprofits and charities. Our manuals are acclaimed internationally are being used by - among others - 

  • The Fundraising Institute of Ireland (Dublin), 
  • Telfair Museum of Art (Savannah, Georgia), 
  • Asociacion Andes (Cusco, Peru), 
  • New Plymouth Hospital Foundation (New Zealand), 
  • Save the Children Australia (Melbourne), 
  • United Nations Development Agency (Geneva), 
  • Metro Food Bank (Halifax, Nova Scotia), 
  • Awana Church Clubs International (Streamwood, Illinois)
  • Cancer Council Australia (Sydney), 
  • PVHMC Foundation (Pomona, California), 
  • Hale School (Perth, Australia), 
  • CIMMYT (Mexico City), 
  • Papanui Softball Association (Christchurch, New Zealand).
  • Center on Wisconsin Strategy (Madison, Wisconsin)
  • The City of Littleton (Colorado)
  • Open Door Crisis Center (Natal, South Africa)
  • Marketing Department, Universitat Witten (Germany)
  • Center for Communications Programs, John Hopkins University (Baltimore)
  • Jesuit Refugee Services (Sydney, Australia)
  • Texas Mental Health Consumers (Austin, Texas)

The examples are not geographic specific - like the internet, the examples come from everywhere. Here are some examples of what is happening in the world-wide nonprofit sector:

Comic Relief raises £3.6 m. on-line
In mid 2001, the UK charity Comic Relief completed its Red Nose campaign - a six-week program of events held every second year. Overall they raised £45 million, but significantly £3.6 million was raised on-line, and 85% of that came during the six-hour television (comedy) special. Only £400,000 was raised on-line during the whole of the previous 1999 campaign. 

Best fundraising auction sites
Auction sites on the internet are proving popular with community business enterprises with product to sell. Goods such as pottery items produced by clients of a medical rehabilitation agency, second hand clothing, toys, furniture and first aid kits are among those finding a ready market. The method adopted is generally to advertise the selling price as the "minimum bid".

Charity Flowers in expansion mode
The earned income venture Charity Flowers - started 18 months ago by the Adelaide Central Mission and Variety Australia - has gone onto the net under the umbrella of Wesley Mission with financial support from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. To put some marketing voltage into the venture, it placed 50,000 inserts into the Australian Women's Weekly. 

Shareware still available
Small organisations may not be fully aware that shareware still remains available on the internet for simple applications. For example, if you want to save on the costs of having raffle tickets printed or like the convenience of creating your own raffle tickets. 

Exceptional CBE website
A truly exceptional website is uncommon for community business enterprises. However one particular exception is the website sponsored by the St George Foundation for the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children. It will set the benchmark for some time and is definitely worth a look.

Internet encourages niche associations
The internet is a boon for niche associations such as the Professional Résumé Writing and Research Association. This association was created to provide a standard for résumé writing excellence. By offering accreditation and on-line peer networking opportunities, these niche associations attract isolated and remote specialists that feel the need to provide credentials to their client base. 

The check is in the e-mail
The internet auction industry has spawned a direct-payment industry to enable cash transactions to be made via e-mail. The system is much less expensive for charities than having a credit card merchant account and anyone with an e-mail address can send money to anyone else with an e-mail address, whether the recipient has an account or not. The largest niche player with this new financial service is PayPal - bigger even than Citibank. 

New technology boosts email marketing
The Institute of Direct Marketing has commissioned electronic marketing firm StreamCity to produce a video email campaign to promote their forthcoming charity event. Features of the video email include online registration, the facility to send to a friend, and subtitling.

Email Bombardment wins e-mail award
Amnesty International has won the award for best use of e-mail in the Revolution Magazine Awards for the Digital Economy 2001. The award recognised the use of e-mail and SMS messaging in Amnesty's Stop Torture campaign. 

Guidelines for on-line fundraising
Final editorial changes are being made to new guidelines for online fundraising to be published by the Institute of Charity Fundraising Managers (ICFM). The current standard will be updated annually as new on-line fundraising techniques develop.

New style low-bandwidth bookshop 
International relief agency Oxfam has launched its new bookshop website, with design, hosting and data supplied by sponsors. The new site has been designed to serve Oxfam's existing and very diverse customer base. Unlike many new websites, this one has been designed for users of normal 56k modems, as a result of research that revealed that the majority of visitors did not yet have access to high-speed connections. 

Don't miss out - order by  November 6th, 2002 and receive as an additional free bonus, you will have free access to our consultancy via phone or email.

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